Spring 2019
Don’t look away. Come closer. What am I doing?
The work explored the fine line between play and pain by disguising playfulness under an abusive atmosphere. The work also jabs at the scientific method by inviting the viewer to piece together the “scenario”. Inspired by On Kawara’s “Today” paintings. This piece was part of the VIS Junior Show 2019, installed in the Hurley Gallery. This work served in fulfillment of Princeton Visual Arts Department's junior independent work requirement.
The Reveal
Physical Installation
19 7’’ x 11’’ prints of my hands on the wall, placed in a grid format representing a calendar. The table I took the photos on were placed in front of the wall. A large print of the excel sheet, the drawing of my hand, and assortment of rubber bands were placed on the table, facing the viewer. A monitor facing the wall was also placed on the table, playing the audio and video above.
The only photo I had of the installation